Choose Your Laser: Diode vs. CO2 vs. Fiber

Confused about which type of laser engraver is right for you? Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's a quick rundown of the three main types of laser engravers: Diode, CO2, and Fiber.

Diode Lasers

🔵 Best For: Hobbyists, light engraving on wood, leather, and some plastics
🔵 Pros: Affordable, portable, easy to set up
🔵 Cons: Limited power, not suitable for metals or glass

CO2 Lasers

🟢 Best For: Versatile engraving on wood, glass, acrylic, and more
🟢 Pros: High power, broad material compatibility, excellent for cutting
🟢 Cons: More expensive, larger footprint, requires ventilation

Fiber Lasers

🟠 Best For: Industrial applications, engraving on metals and engineered plastics
🟠 Pros: Extremely high precision, long lifespan, minimal maintenance
🟠 Cons: High cost, not suitable for organic materials like wood or leather

Make an Informed Choice

Each type of laser engraver has its own set of advantages and limitations. Whether you're a weekend warrior looking to dabble in engraving or a business seeking industrial-grade capabilities, there's a laser out there for you.